Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Chemistry 12 - Thermodynamics Powerpoint Notes

Here is a great set of notes from a college thermodynamics powerpoint.  It has some simple, useful explanations, though it goes a little more in-depth on some topics than we do.  Although it is 40 slides long, it's helpful.

Enthalpy, Entropy, Gibbs Free Energy PPT Notes

Chemistry 11 - Emission Spectrum Site

This is the URL for the emission spectrums you need for the Flame Test Lab:

Interactive Emission Spectrum Periodic Table

Click on any element (well, almost any element…) and the site should bring up its emission spectrum (the light given off by the element's electrons as they change electron zones and release energy).

These other sites are GREAT if you have the correct Java application or flash player on your computer!

Interactive Quantum Leaps!

Absorption and Emission Spectra from U of Oregon

Sliding Spectrum Diagrams

Interactive Gas Lamp Spectrums

Physics 12 Uniform Acceleration Review

This website has a great set of uniform acceleration review questions with detailed solutions!

The Physics Classroom - Describing Motion With Equations

Physics Problems

For both of these sites, be careful of speeds in km/h.  These need to be converted to m/s.  Be sure to do some horizontal and some vertical problems!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Statistics - How good is "good enough"?

In both Chemistry and Physics, students analyze data.  Typical student answers when it comes to accepting or rejecting data include data points being "close", "really close", "kind of close", "sort of close", etc.  In order to determine mathematically whether or not to accept certain data points, we use simple forms of standard deviation and outlier determination.  Although we will cover this in depth in class, here are some additional helpful resources:

Standard Deviation (ST DEV)

Outlier Determination

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Organizational Systems for Class Materials

Students in Chemistry and Physics will need some sort of "organizational system" to maintain class materials.  Since there are no textbooks for Chemistry or Physics, organizing class materials becomes essential to the success of students.  Most students gravitate to a 3-ring binder system, or a collection of folders and notebooks.  Either one will work as long as it is maintained!  Students also need a report folder with three metal clips to use as a reference binder.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Connection Charts

This year I'm trying a new organizational tool for my classes called "Connection Charts".  These charts explain the thought process behind a given unit, and list what's covered and assigned daily as we go through the unit.  They are a "work in process", so hopefully they'll improve!  The charts are created in Excel, so there may be some translation issues with Google.

Here are the connection charts for the first units in Chem 11, Chem 12, and Physics 12…

Chemistry 11 Unit 1 Connection Chart

Chemistry 12 Unit 1 Connection Chart

Physics 12 Connection Chart Unit 1